Keeping Stories Alive: Preserving Elly Gotz’s Extraordinary Life Journey with ARHT CAPSULE 

Stories. We all have them, and we all love to listen to them. Sharing memories, expressing ideas, or describing imaginary worlds, storytelling has always been a way for people to connect and relate to each other. We’ve come a long way from ancient cave drawings and narrative performances. Thanks to technology and interactive displays, humans can experience and share stories in astonishing formats, weaving intricate narratives with dynamic visuals.

Every story is inherently unique and distinctive, but some hold a transcendence that can impact lives immensely. These mythical tales inspire, educate, and motivate. One such story is the story of Elly Gotz, a Holocaust survivor and renowned storyteller. 

Documenting Elly’s Remarkable Story With ARHT Capture Studio and CAPSULE

When Mr. Gotz visited our office in Toronto, our team was immediately absorbed with the spirit of a 95-year-old. He wanted to explore holographic communication to make his story more accessible and educate younger people about World War II. And here is where storytelling, technology, and collaboration all merged into a project that we feel humbled to be a part of. We helped Elly create his real-life hologram recording by using ARHT Capture Studio and ARHT CAPSULE, which perfectly captured his story and unwavering commitment to educating future generations.

Elly entered the ARHT Capture Studio with his heart on his sleeve and spoke passionately for over three hours. He honored us with his incredible life journey – from being a prisoner at Dachau, where he worked in an underground factory, to being liberated by the US Army to saving the lives of over 30,000 people and becoming a thriving entrepreneur and successful pilot in Canada – his story is a testament to human resilience. 

Safeguarding Cultural and Social Heritage With ARHT CAPSULE 

The collaboration between ARHT and Elly is a perfect example of how immersive hologram technology can be used to empower speakers and ignite meaningful social impact. Through a unique blend of technology and storytelling, we captured the essence of Elly’s remarkable life journey and preserved it for generations to come. His story about human resilience is now available on-demand thanks to Elly’s lifelike pre-recorded hologram.

In a world of stories, it’s important to honor those who have laid the groundwork for a better tomorrow and to ensure their legacy lives on. At ARHT, we are grateful to collaborate with Elly and to capture his inspiring story. By making Elly’s hologram available to audiences worldwide via ARHT CAPSULE, we ensure that we never forget the strength of the human spirit in times of adversity. Elly’s message of tolerance and hope rings loud and clear and is especially important for future generations.

In case you have a story to share or you want to preserve a part of your cultural heritage, feel free to contact our team. We’re here to help you create an immersive storytelling experience to educate, inspire, and motivate your audience. 

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